Don’t be intimidated by weights at the fitness center

Are you stuck in your comfort zone when it comes to working out? Do you find yourself perfectly fine joining your friends for a walk in the neighborhood or riding a stationary bike, but still curious about trying something new? I was. I’ve been a swimmer since high school and utilized the community lap pool several times a week. On my way to the pool I had to pass the fitness center. The whirl of equipment, the slamming of weights and music filled the hallway. I’d peek through the large windows and catch a glimpse of the various activities happening in the crowded center. The sheer thought of entering this world was scary, yet I was curious. I’d read about strength training, CrossFit workouts and the myriad of benefits you’d gain. However, I proceeded to my comfort zone and swam my laps.

“I don’t own the right workout clothes.” “I’d never fit in.” “The machines are scary.” “I don’t have a clue of how to use them.” You’ve heard these excuses before, maybe even said this to your friends. I did. Fear and the lack of knowledge give us reason to make excuses.

One day, I decided to simply go for it and scheduled a lesson with a trainer. The lesson changed my life in so many ways. Here are five tips for crossing that line of fear and intimidation:

Hone in on what type of fitness routine has peaked your curiosity

We all are curious about trying something new. I’d always wanted to try strength training. My friends, the ones who had their own misgivings, would add fuel to my already burning intimidations. “Do you really want to build muscle? Look bigger?” The comment that topped my fear list, “You don’t want to hurt yourself.” Don’t listen to the naysayers! Continue to be brave about your interest. Remember, you’re never too old to try something new.

“For every woman, whether it’s in our profession or it’s for us to build strength of character, education and knowledge is where we get our power from.” – Katrina Kaif’s Stand On Women Empowerment Will Make You Scream “YAAASS”, Buzzfeed

Knowledge is Power

You’ve heard this saying about so many things and there’s no denying it. Knowledge is the key to conquering your fears regarding exercise, whether you are interested in strength or CrossFit training, or utilizing equipment. Your acquired education about your new fitness goal will empower you. You’ll have the educated answers to squash those fears.

Know your body

You are unique and so is your body. Consult with a certified trainer to discuss and evaluate your abilities. Having the correct assessment now will avoid injuries later and increase your ability to achieve success.

Get a buddy

Personal trainers can be expensive, why not get a small group together and share the workout? Not only will you save money but you’ll be more responsible to show up. The buddy system will drive your motivation and push you to work a little harder. You’ll also enjoy the camaraderie as you laugh and talk through the session.

“Getting strong doesn’t mean just getting lean, but trying to find personal purpose and empowerment too.” — Lindsey Vonn

Power is Strength and Strength is beautiful

My curiosity about strength training and weights has truly changed my life in the last five years. I’m now passionate about my training. I feel strong, confident, powerful, energized, centered, and empowered. I am now that person who invites friends to join a training group. I continue to learn new routines and am challenged with each one. The workouts strengthen my bones and my mind and that’s a beautiful thing!

Remember, you’re never too old to try something new. Don’t be that person always wishing you were in the gym lifting weights with hip clothes, a great body and confidence. BE that confident person. By the way, basic black at the gym is like wearing a black cocktail dress — always in style.