“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” — Maya Angelou

This past week has been a whirlwind for me. A Beautiful View, a two year labor of love, launched last Tuesday and hit the Amazon best-seller list by early afternoon. Yes, that took my breath away!

The really cool thing: I wasn’t alone during this breath taking moment.

Unable to sleep the night before, I was up early and at my computer. Throughout the morning I answered the phone, checked the never-ending emails and sent out text messages. By mid-morning my girlfriend Kris called. “Are you watching the Amazon numbers?”

I hadn’t thought to look at the numbers, I’d been too busy. Kris was beside herself. “Your book keeps climbing. Come over for lunch. I can’t watch by myself, I’ll go crazy.”

“Don’t go through extra work. Why don’t we meet up at the club restaurant,” I suggested.

Kris agreed. “I’ll see if some of the other girls would like to join us.”

An hour later, Kris and I were at the restaurant. One by one my friends drifted into the room, this amazing and unbelievable group of women literally dropped their plans and to join the celebration. Yet another breath taking moment for me to enjoy.

Our table was in front of the fireplace, next to a beautifully lit Christmas tree. We were the only occupied table in the restaurant that afternoon. Too excited to eat, we sat together for over three hours, laughing and talking as we held our iPads and cell phones. Our clapping and cheers resonated throughout the building as Kris reported the book’s hourly standing.

How lucky am I to call this amazing group of women my girlfriends? To be able to do so, is truly a moment that takes my breath away.