What matters most to me is how I’ve touched someone’s life. – Debbie Ceresa

How many times have you asked yourself: what really matters? Or what’s important in your life? If you’ve read the myriad of self-help publications, you know it’s a common theme this time of year.

Each week I research before I begin to write my blog. What matters most was my choice this week, but how could I make it different? I struggled and did my usual pacing, stalling, and wringing of hands until I opened the mail.

The envelope was handwritten and addressed to me. I carefully slit the top and pulled out not one, but two typewritten, single spaced pages. A letter sent through the U.S. post office doesn’t come my way too often. I couldn’t wait to see the identity of the sender and immediately scanned the last page. The letter was signed “your friend,” the sender’s name, and a handwritten “God bless you.”

I cried when I finished reading this very personal letter. The pages held a very painful, heartfelt love story. One that was difficult to tell. My friend not only told the story, but added the following:

“Thank you for giving me the courage to share this with you. By you sharing your personal story, you have eased my pain. God gave you a talent to write and I do believe that you bless others with your talent. If you ever wonder if you touched someone, please know that you have. I suspect I am not alone.”

This week alone I’ve received numerous emails from both men and women. A Beautiful View seems to touch many of my readers.

Have I touched your life? I would love to hear from you!
