Last week my friend Carol lost her husband Tom to cancer. Tom’s death was within weeks of his diagnosis and his loss continues to rock our small community. I feel her heartbreak and pain more than she will ever know. My late husband was very close to Tom’s age when he also died from cancer.

Over the past week, Carol and I have been in touch. She asked me, “How will I ever heal?”

Whether it is a death, divorce, the loss of a beloved career or your health, learning to recognize the blessings hidden within the transition is an important life lesson. My article Moving On Begins With One Step touches on some of the following:

1. Find your mantra. 
Mine was looking at each day and finding a gift from God. On a difficult day you may have to squint to find that present, but once you have it, you’re in the driver’s seat. You’ll easily roll over the day’s bump.

2. Overcome your fear
. Fear is a feeling of powerlessness. My husband died, and I couldn’t bring him back. I was beyond powerless. However, I could accept his death. Once you accept your situation, you can begin to look forward.

3. Embrace your faith. 
Once I realized God would help me, I felt peace. I knew I could rely on him to guide me through those fearful life bumps. All of us will experience the death of a loved one, but we’re not alone. Your God is always with you.
 Moving on is a gift. No longer am I afraid of forgetting the past, those loving memories always remain in my heart. The day of the roses had been the first of my moving on journey. Now, I face the future without fear. I look for the gifts and continue to find many in my life.

Note: Names have been changed for privacy