My Story of Light
after Darkness

My Story of Light
after Darkness

My Story of Light
after Darkness
We all experience significant moments of happiness and joy, along with exceptional times of despair and grief. These moments weave the fabric of our uniqueness, but beyond a doubt, it’s how we acknowledge our joys and despairs that can enlighten us—if we let it.
For me, my time of despair and grief was after the death of my husband. For months after his death, I was consumed with overwhelming emotions unlike anything I had felt in the past. An invisible, dark cloud took over my life, shutting out who I had been before his death. No longer did I enjoy simple, everyday tasks. No longer did I laugh and find joy in life.
As I began to explore programs to help me, I found the Grief Recovery Institute. The very prospect of committing to meeting with a grief recovery group was very scary. Should I attend or not? I struggled with taking that first step, but I made a phone call to the institute and enrolled in their eight-week course. After attending the first session, I knew I had made a wise and brave decision.
My recovery takeaways were eye-openers:
- Reassurance that my feelings were a normal and natural reaction to grief
- Support to honestly express my feelings without the fear of what others thought of my grief
- Compassion for others who need someone with a listening heart
The program also gave me the ability to acknowledge my unresolved grief and find the light in my life once again.
Walking Together,
We Can Find Your Light
Over the years, many have asked me, “Why do you want to talk about grief? Why listen to the pain others experience?” My answer is quite simple: Everyone experiences grief in their lifetime. Everyone needs to be heard and given the tools to recover.
I have found great joy in guiding others through this action-oriented educational course. The evidence-based Grief Recovery Method has been helping millions of grievers for over 40 years.
Let’s walk together to find your light again.
Ready to get started?
After my wife died, I had a very difficult time accepting that our life together was over. My outward façade was in place, but inwardly, I felt as if a small part of me died as each subsequent day passed. In addition, I tried to intellectualize my grief, which resulted in a type of confusion as to how I thought I should feel, which opposed what my actual feelings were. Days passed into months with no perceptible change, with each day undeviating from the one before.
One day, I received an email from my parish office concerning a Grief Recovery Program, and I decided to attend. The program was led by Debbie Ceresa. From the initial session, I felt a hope that the curtain of dullness and isolation that enveloped me could possibly be lifted. Debbie never promised clairvoyance in the sense that she “knew how I felt,” but she obviously understood and recognized why the powerful emotions that encompassed me remained firm and unabating. The path to recovery that she gently directed me along included acceptance, honesty, and—probably most importantly—discovery.
An important aspect that I discovered about grief is that it is inherent in our nature. As such, it follows nature’s dynamic that nothing remains static. Therefore, my state of being would tend toward further and continued disorder unless I made an effort to instill order. It was totally up to me. Following the precepts of the Grief Recovery Program enabled me to finally take that first baby step forward.
D. S.
Debbie was a guiding force and friend from the time we met initially through the more than eight weeks of our program. This program changed my life. As hard as it was some weeks and as many times as I wanted to give up, she encouraged me to continue towards a place of healing and peace. I was able to not only heal after the unexpected death of my mother and best friend, but I was able to grieve the loss of my marriage that ended in divorce years ago and the dreams I had for that life. Until this grief recovery workshop, I didn’t realize that, although I had been through counseling, I was still harboring feelings of anger and hurt.
I can look ahead instead of focusing on the past. Though I will never get over losing my mother, I am now able to focus on the happy and beautiful memories instead of the painful ones. Don’t get me wrong: I still cry and get upset and miss her every single day. But I know that these feelings and occurrences are my normal. I cry less than I used to, and the pain, while a constant within me—is a mere fraction of what it once was. Thank you, Debbie and GRW.
The seminar—expertly facilitated by Debbie—was not only outstanding but also highly beneficial to me coping with the loss of my spouse. Her demeanor, empathy, and understanding were above reproach. Since she had previously lost a spouse, her understanding of what we were going through was directly relevant. I had attended previous grief counseling, but her program was at the apex of excellence and was extremely apropos. She is a superb facilitator, and I was honored to be a recipient of her professionalism and guidance.
E. J. C.